Our hydrogen expert Charlyne Ribeyrolles

Our hydrogen expert

Charlyne Ribeyrolles has been a hydrogen specialist since 2018. She joined Seiya after 3 years as a strategy and management consultant in the energy sector, and 4 years working for local authorities as a hydrogen project manager (Toulouse Métropole and Occitanie Region).

Over the course of her career, she has worked as a project manager, guiding players from a wide range of backgrounds to carry out joint projects. Her understanding of the technical and economic issues, as well as her enthusiasm to bring people together, have enabled her to set up complex multi-stakeholder projects (from local authorities to the European Commission, via H2 producers to end users). She knows all there is to know about financing H2 projects, having been a grant examiner herself for these large local authorities.

Charlyne has extensive experience in leading and training groups, having already led working groups and training courses.